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The Barn Team

The Barn is owned by Richard and Abigail Compton-Burnett, who together share responsibility for the management of The Barn.

Clare Stanley and Lisa McPherson are the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Leads and together are in charge of all aspects of educational practice at The Barn.

We ensure that each chid is given care and attention with our generous staffing ratios.

Lisa is the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and Designated Safeguarding Lead, with Clare as the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Every teacher is the "Key Person" for a small number of children at The Barn and will have regular contact with those children and their parents.

Every member of our dedicated staff team is responsible for an area of The Barn.

Jana - languages

Sarah - writing and dance

Alison - outdoor play

Clare - woodland school

Debbie - gross motor skills

Renata - housekeeping

Phoebe - baking

Rachel - creative, Early Bird Club

Melania - maths

Lisa - music and movement

Abigail - administration 

We welcome volunteers and students to work at The Barn on placements. Volunteers and students are supervised at all times and are not counted in our ratios.

Job opportunities at The Barn

We occasionally recruit new members of staff. We also have a few teachers who provide supply cover.

If you have a level six teaching or a minimum of a level 3 child care qualification and would like to work at The Barn, please contact us. 


01256 782580

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