Policies and Procedures Listing
Access and Storage of Information
Accidents and First Aid
Alcohol and Substance Misuse
Allergies and Allergic Reaction
Animals in the Setting
Child Protection
Children of Staff Members
Compliments and Complaints
Critical Incident Plan
Data Protection and Confidentiality
Domestic abuse
Emergency Closure
Environmental Sustainability
Fire Safety/Emergency Evacuation
Food and Drink
Food Hygiene
GDPR & Privacy Notices
Health and Safety General Standards
Honour Based Violence and Forced Marriage
Privacy Notice
Human Pandemic
Inclusion, Equality and Discriminatory Behaviour
Infection Control
Key Person
Late Collection/Non Collection of Child
Looked After Children
Maintaining Safety/Security
Medications and Healthcare
Missing/Lost Child
Mobile Phones, Electronic Devices, Social Networking and Photographs/Cameras
Nappy Changing
No Smoking/Vaping
Partnership and Parental Involvement
Partnership Working with Other Agencies
Promoting Positive Behaviour
Quality Provision
Reporting Accidents and Incidents
Risk Assessment
Safeguarding Children
Settling In
Sickness and Illness
Staff Behaviour
Staff Disciplinary
Staff Grievance
Staff Training and Development
Student Placements
Suitable People, Vetting and Barring
Sun Care – suncreams, hats, clothing, sunglasses
Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Other policies may be added to this list in response to guidance and/or to meet the needs of the setting.